Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission
HP- PERC- A Statutory Body Under the Govt. of HP, Department of Higher Education

Messages by Members

Prof. Shashi Kant Sharma


H.P. Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission plays a vital role in regulating Private Higher Education Institutions in the sphere of regulating course approval, admission criteria and any other aspects in the larger interest of students. Within the ambit of Regulatory Commission Act and Rules, monitoring of all these components which contribute towards quality education, is essential as per the norms / guidelines prescribed by the Central / State Govt. / Regulatory Bodies from time to time. Quality education in higher education is associated with effective and efficient learning of content in a safe, healthy and stimulating environment through a well synthesized pedagogy. It is imperative that our education system becomes more responsive and efficient so that the future of generations becomes better and meaningful. In order to ensure a fair playing field for everyone who is interested to contribute in the arena of higher education, Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Regulatory Commission intends to play a role that will help Institutions to grow, to diversify to the needs of the State and Nation, to proving that private sector is an important player in educating the society and thus an important contributor to Nation Building. I am sure that with these efforts the quality of education in the State of Himachal Pradesh shall improve.

Sh. Lalit Kumar


To Make Himachal Pradesh a recognized hub and a preferred choice of students for Quality Higher Education.